*** Visit My Account to sign up for our Referral Program ***
Referral Program
We are so excited to be launching a Referral Program that we hope you will find rewarding and fun!
By joining our Referral Program, you agree to theses terms and conditions.
To join, just visit My Account. Select “I don’t have a referral code” if you are an existing customer and you are joining the program. If you are a first time customer and someone gave you a code, select that option. If you’re a new customer and you don’t have a referral code, select “I don’t have a referral code”.
The “Referral Email” box is for you to invite new customers to join the program by entering their email address. You do not have to enter an email to join. You can always do that later or just use your Referral Number to invite others to join.
How it Works
Customer A is an existing customer and joins Stitchtopia’s referral program and gets a unique referral code. Customer A shares that code with a new Customer B. Telling Customer B, that if they sign up with the program, Customer B will receive a store credit equal to 10% of their first purchase. This credit they can redeem on any subsequent purchase. Customer A receives a credit to their account equal to 10% of what Customer B spends on any purchases for up to one year after joining. Customer B shares their own unique code with Customer C and receives a store credit just as Customer A did when Customer B joined. Customer A also earns an additional credit equal to 10% of any credits Customer B earns for up to one year.
New Customer B joins the program using the code they received from Customer A and adds three fonts to their shopping cart. The fonts are regularly $5 but are on sale for $3.50. The cart total is $10.50. There’s a coupon code for 40% off purchases of $10 or more. Customer B enters that coupon code and the new cart total is $6.30. After Customer B pays the $6.30, $.63 is added to Customer A’s store credit account and $.63 is added to Customer B’s store credit account because this is their first purchase.
On a subsequent visit, returning Customer B adds three fonts to their shopping cart. The fonts are regularly $5, but the sale price of $3.50 is still on. The cart total is $10.50. The 40% off purchases of $10 or more coupon is still valid, and is applied. The cart total is now $6.30. Customer B decides to use the $.63 in their store credit account. The cart total is reduced to $5.67. After Customer B pays, $.56 is added to Customer A’s store credit account. Customer B only receives a credit on their first purchase, so no credit is earned on this purchase. Customer A’s store credit account now has a balance of $1.19 ($.63 + .56).
Customer B shares their code with a bunch of friends who have never purchased from Stitchtopia before. Three join the program and Customer B quickly earns $2.70 in store credit as a result of their purchases. Because Customer B is a follower of Customer A, Customer A earns a store credit of 10% of the credit earned by Customer B. A total of $.27 is added to Customer A’s store credit account bringing the balance of Customer A’s store credit account to $1.46 ($1.19 + .27).
Terms & Conditions
1) Store credits are denominated in dollars but are not dollars and cannot be exchanged for dollars.
2) Store credits are non-transferable
3) Store credits expire after 6 months
4) When store credits are redeemed, the oldest credits are used first
5) The maximum balance in a referral account is $50.
6) Store credits are applied to the shopping cart total after any price reductions for sales or applied coupons.
7) Only new customers to Stitchtopia can receive a store credit of 10% equal to their first purchase when they join the referral program at sign up.
8) Credits are earned when a referral program member shares their unique program code with a new customer, and that customer joins the program using that code. The credit earned is equal to 10% of whatever the new customer spends going forward, plus 10% of whatever credits the new customer earns in credits for themselves if they choose to share their own unique referral code.
9) Credits are calculated from the shopping cart total after all sale discounts and coupons are applied.
10) Credits are rounded down to the next whole penny. Credits of less than a penny are not added to the account.
11) Existing customers can join the program, but cannot be followers of other program members.
12) Followers remain active for one year from the date of signing up. After one year, they are still members of the program and can sign up new referrals, but there is no credit paid to whoever signed them up after one year.
13) Existing customers are considered to be anyone who has registered with Stitchtopia.com or placed an order with Stitchtopia Etsy.
14) From time to time credits may not be redeemed on select products.
15) Terms are subject to change.